A 12% Buyer's Premium will be added to the final Sales Price. All applicable taxes will be assessed based on the sum of the sales price and buyer's premium.
2 dozen pouches total per case (8 semi packs w 3 pouches each). 20 wipes per pouch.
*Any manufacturer warranties are NOT VALID with any purchase at our Auctions unless stated otherwise.There are no bids for the lot at this time
These items are sent to us for a number of reasons, some common examples being: Scratch & Dent, Shelf Pulls, Store Returns, Refused Common Carrier Deliveries, Overstock, etc. Our staff has done their best to identify damage or flaws and note it on the catalog under the "Details" tab. If something is missed or incorrect (as is bound to happen with such volume) we will gladly refund you fully unless we have noted it. Please read the "Details" tab.
Payment may be made by Cash, Check, Visa, M/C, Amex or Discover. There is a 12% buyer premium. A 3% surcharge will be added to all invoices paying by credit or debit card.
Payment and pickup is on the specified date and times. Anyone who does not observe the payment and pickup times will immediately have their credit card billed. Any invoiced items totaling over $50 and not picked up within 30 days after any auction will be resold at 20% commission. Any invoiced items totaling less than $50 will be considered abandoned property and will be resold without any compensation. We will not be liable for any damage to merchandise that is left past the scheduled pick-up date(s). Please pick-up and pay for your purchases. We realize that sometimes there are extenuating circumstances and a simple phone call to our office may avoid these harsh terms. Grossly negligent offenders however, will be banned from all our future auctions.
Bainbridge, New York 13733
United States
Pickup for this auction is Friday April 8th 9am - 4:30pm, Saturday April 9th 9am-Noon, and Monday April 11th 9am-4:30pm.